Piezoelectric force sensor, ring force transducer (Fz 35 kN / 7.86 klbf) / 9021C

Piezoelectric force sensor, ring force transducer (Fz 35 kN / 7.86 klbf)
  • Piezoelectric force sensor with a measuring range of Fz: 0 ... 35 kN (7.86 klbf)
  • Calibrated ranges 0 ... 28 kN and 0 ... 2.8 kN
  • Dimensions D x d x H: 22.5 x 10.5 x 8 mm
  • Included accessory: preloading set Type 9422A21
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Standart Force Sensors
Nominal force
35 kN
Calibrated range 1
0 … 28 kN
Calibrated range 2
0 … 2.8 kN
Calibration preload
7 kN
Load limit
49 kN
Maximum bending moment
±61 Nm
Temperature sensitivity, sensitivity change (-70°C … 200°C, Tref = 25°C)
±2.5 %
Natural frequency (free-free)
≥75 kHz
Axial stiffness
3.3 kN/μm
Bending stiffness
2.02 kNm/°
Shear stiffness
0.9 kN/μm
Torsional stiffness
2 kNm/°
Insulation resistance
≥10^12 Ω
Sensor material, cover plate
Sensor material, coat
Global attributes
–4.4±0.2 pC/N
Operating temperature range
-70 … 200 °C
Output signal type
Charge (Piezoelectric, PE)
NVH testing
Force Sensors (Facets)
Preloaded sensor
Preloaded sensors are already calibrated and therefore ready-to-use. Non-preloaded sensors are smaller.
Measuring range
Choose the category in which the max force value you want to measure falls in.
0 … 35 kN
Maximum measuring range
35 kN
Force sensor type
Choose the category depending on the no. of axis you want to measure. A dynamometer is a force plate measuring forces and moments.
Single axis force sensor
Strain Measuring Pins
33 pF
Piezoelectric force sensor, also known as piezoelectric ring force transducer, for precise measurement of tensile and compressive forces in highest resolution.This piezoelectric (PE) force sensor of the 90x1 series measures forces in the z-direction. The ring force transducer contains a quartz sensor element which measures the force directly transferred through the cover and base of the tightly welded steel case. When subjected to a mechanical load, quartz produces an electric charge that is proportional to that load. An outstanding property of quartz is the very low threshold and, thus, a high sensor sensitivity that remains extremely linear over the entire measuring range. Thus the behaviour in a certain measuring range is practically identical for all PE sensors, independent of their size.
Data sheet
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Piezoelectric Force Sensors, Ring Force Transducers
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130 results
Accessory Type