The Kistler Innovation Lab: the digitalization experience

Data-based services from Kistler help you exploit the full potential of digitization.

The future has arrived already: physical and digital processes are becoming increasingly intermeshed. Digitalization of the value chain is unlocking countless new possibilities and opportunities. But these developments are still in their infancy: for more and more sectors of industry, the coming years will see quantum leaps as new solutions based on machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence are developed. In line with the motto "Turning data into value", we exploit precisely this potential in the Kistler Innovation Lab. In close collaboration with you, we draw on this knowledge to develop innovative data-based services and solutions.

How we create added value with our smart services and solutions: the three pillars of the Innovation Lab

To deliver our smart services and solutions, the experts in our Innovation Lab combine forward-looking scientific expertise with practical application know-how. You too can benefit from the Innovation Lab’s wide-ranging expertise to exploit the full potential of the digital transformation. As the first step, why not register for a personal exchange of ideas with us? To get in touch with us directly, just click Contact at the top of the page and complete the contact form.

We are opening up new business opportunities with the help of big data, data mining and information-as-a-service (IaaS). The goal we are pursuing is very clear: we intend to maintain our position as global market leader in dynamic measurement technology – and at the same time, we will move up to the next level of development, hand in hand with you. How will that come about? Because Kistler doesn’t only measure: we also analyze. We turn raw data into valuable information – the key to innovation.

Just imagine what you could achieve if you exploited the full potential of digitalization!


Kistler collaborates with customers to implement digitalization and create products that combine innovation and high quality.

Co-creation: scope for collaboration

The digital revolution harbors vast potential: intelligent networking of people, machines and processes is the key to creating individual products of high quality. To achieve this, we make use of tried-and-tested processes that focus on the essential criteria for viable innovation: customer needs, technical feasibility, and cost efficiency.

  • Intensive dialog with customers is at the core of our collaborative innovation process.
  • Comprehensive analysis yields in-depth understanding of challenges and goals.
  • Collecting ideas is the first step on the path to the solution concept.

Technology incubator

Smart services from Kistler are the result of special methods geared to machine learning.

From concept to smart service – the technology incubator

The Innovation Lab provides a protected development framework where initial ideas and potential solutions can be tested and developed to the next level – or even rejected again at an early stage. With the help of cutting-edge methods based on data science and prototyping specifically designed for machine learning models, we develop the first proof-of-concept studies that will yield solutions to meet each customer’s specific requirements.

Digital training center

Kistler offers practice-based training to help you tap the potential of digitization in measurement technology.

Identifying potential for digitization at an early stage – the Digital Training Center

Well-trained staff are the key to exploiting the measurement technology of the future. That's because employees will take on more responsibility in the digitized world as they perform the central control and monitoring functions. The training center aims to impart specific, practice-based knowledge about Kistler’s digital technology stack and the key digital technologies of the future. Kistler can offer training in flexible formats on request, both online and at customers’ sites.

Digital services from Kistler – such as accurate forecasts – help you save time and resources.

Conserving resources

Accurate forecasts and internal process optimization will save you time and resources. Make better business decisions, manage risks, identify opportunities – and respond immediately.
Our data-based smart services help you boost your productivity.

Boost efficiency

Cut your time-to-market and maximize your productivity with precise recommendations for the next steps – based on live and historical performance data.
Data-based services from Kistler – such as analyses of key success parameters – help to boost your growth.

In-depth insights

We use valid data as the basis for generating precise insights into your business, and we accelerate your growth through data-based analysis of key success parameters and factors.

The best of the Kistler Innovation Lab: data-based services and latest projects

Which data should I collect? How – and where? And what goals do I want to achieve? How can I make the best use of artificial intelligence? The experienced experts at Kistler are thoroughly familiar with the entire measurement chain – from sensor to cloud. They create intelligent software that extracts valuable information from data. But joint development work with each customer is essential to generate the knowledge needed for holistic improvements to process chains and organizations. Take a look at the results of the first proof-of-concept studies we have undertaken in collaboration with our customers:

Quality assurance for metal-cutting processes

Quality assurance for metal-cutting processes

Sensors from Kistler deliver precise and reliable measurements of cutting forces during machining. The knowledge gained helps to enhance the quality and cost-efficiency of metal-cutting processes that consist of many individual production steps. And we go one step further: based on initial proof-of-concept studies, we have developed a model to identify the production steps that are critical for quality.


Model XGBoost combined with application-specific feature engineering


  • Higher quality
  • Lower operating costs
  • Reduced scrap rate
