Start using your product in no time

If you have purchased a Kistler software product or an additional functionality for a Kistler device, you can see here how to activate your license.
This page describes the activation process for the following products:

Kistler software products:

  • jBEAM
  • KiStudio Lab
  • KiVision

Kistler devices with additional features:

  • Kistler LabAmps 5165A, 5166A, 5167A
  • WIM Datalogger 5204A
  • maXYmos 5847B, 5867B, 5877B
  • KiBox2 2895A

For all other products, please see the respective product page which you can find by searching for the type number or the product name.

In case you need further help for your license activation, please contact Kistler by using the contact form.